Weather stations

Information relating to the current road weather situation is important for building contracting authorities as well as road users, particularly in winter. These data are used for planning road clearing activities and therefore the safety of road users as well as for optimising journey times. Permissible speeds in the vicinity of traffic control installations are also calculated based on this information.
RWIS (Road Weather Information System) stations measure all relevant local weather data in real time, and transmit this information to traffic computer and RWIS centres, motorway depots and highway maintenance depots. These data are increasingly being made available to road users to keep them informed of current outside temperatures and icy roads.
Existing axle load scales and permanent counting stations can of course be retrospectively expanded with the addition of RWIS systems. Environmental data (FG 3) as well as traffic data are recorded and transmitted online to the above-mentioned receivers. The modular design enables system configurations tailored to the customers’ individual requirements to be easily realised.
We supply road weather information systems exclusively to customers in Germany. Only in combination with our Weigh-In-Motion systems, we also deliver them abroad.
Technical specifications | Measured values |
Weather | rain, freezing rain, drizzling rain, freezing drizzling rain, sleet, snow, soft hail |
Air temperature and humidity | -80 °C to +60 °C / 0 to 100 % rF |
Ground and surface temperature | -40 °C to +60 °C |
Surface conditions | dry, humid, wet, snow, ice, frosty, humid and deicer, wet and deicer |
Water film thickness | 0 to 99.99 mm |
Amount of new snow | 0 to 999 mm |
Wind direction and speed | 0 to 90 m/s (324 km/h), 0° to 360° |
Visibility | 10 m to 35,000 m |
Dew point temperature (calculated) | -70 °C to +80 °C |